*** Never Existed *** SFF-8724 SFF Committee documentation may be purchased in hard copy or electronic form SFF specifications are available at ftp://ftp.seagate.com/sff SFF Committee SFF-8724 Specification for ...industry standard SFF-8724 Multi Source Agreement This has been posted to assist those who are searching for SFF-8724 There are references in Cisco marketing literature to: "industry standard SFF-8724 Multi Source Agreement" Nothing in that statement is correct: 'SFF-8724' does not exist SFF does not publish 'industry standards' The SFF Committee is not a 'Multi Source Agreement' The correct nomenclature is: "industry specification SFF-8472" Click on 'Specifications' at www.sffcommittee.org to be linked to the ftp site which has the latest revision of current SFF specifications. ...industry standard SFF-8724 Multi Source Agreement Page 1